Dry Eye and Blepharitis

Here are some things to remember that can help you find what you really need:

  1. If you’re going to be using your artificial tear drops more than three times per day, be sure you’re selecting a preservative free artificial tear. Preservative free drops will come packaged in single-dose vials stacked inside of boxes. If your drop is in a bottle, it is NOT preservative free. Excess dosing of harsh preservatives (such as benzalkonium chloride or “BAK”) can actually do harm to the ocular surface, in spite of your good intentions.
  2. If you’re using a drop for allergies, it may help with your redness and itching, but it may also make your eyes dryer! If you’re using an allergy drop and you find that your redness and itching have improved, but some residual burning remains, these are signs of dry eye. Be sure to use an artificial tear drop regularly if you find that you have some residual dry eye symptoms while using your allergy drops.
  3. Not all artificial tear drops are the same, and there are drops that will work better for specific types of dry eye than others. There are going to be four major types of artificial tears: aqueous tears, lipid-based tears, gels, and ointments. Aqueous tears are watery and best for mild forms of aqueous deficient dry eye. Lipid-based tears will be a little milky or chalky colored and benefit patients with Meibomian gland dysfunction more than others. Gel tears are going to be thicker and better for patients with moderate or severe forms of dry eye. Ointments are going to be thick enough to blur your vision significantly and are best used just before bedtime to keep the eyes heavily moisturized overnight.

Omega 3 Supplements and Dry Eye

How do Omega 3 supplements help my dry eye?

A quick online search for information about Omega 3 supplementation and dry eyes can leave even the savviest researcher a bit perplexed. There seems to be an equal wealth of information supporting Omega 3 supplementation and denying it. The trick is going to be using Omega 3 Supplementation when it’s going to be effective. For patients with Meibomian gland deficiency, Omega 3 supplementation can be a great tool for combating this chronic condition. For patients with severe aqueous deficient dry eye, or patients who have developed Meibomian gland atrophy, Omega 3 supplementation will not be an effective treatment. Be sure to talk to you eye-care provider about which supplements are right for you.

Heat Masks and Dry Eye

How will a heat mask help improve my dry eye?

Your heat mask will help the most when you have mild Meibomian gland deficiency, or moderate to severe Meibomian gland deficiency that has been treated in office. These masks stay at the appropriate temperature much longer than a normal heating pack or hot cloth, and will ensure that you get the full 10 minutes of adequate heating necessary to liquefy the Meibomian gland contents and promote adequate flow from the glands.

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

For more information on dry eye treatment or to schedule an appointment, call Philadelphia Eye Associates at (800) 448-6767.

Supplemental Lubrication

  • Artificial tears, gels, and ointment provide supplemental lubrication for patients that have insufficient tear production or rapid tear evaporation.
  • Oil-based tears are especially helpful for patients that have insufficient oil production from meibomian gland dysfunction.

Hot Compresses and Lid Scrubs

  • When meibomian glands become colonized by abnormal bacteria, their normal oil content can solidify, leaving the eyelid prone to inflammation and infection. Heating the solidified meibomian gland contents will make them liquid again and allow you to massage them out of the eyelid with a lid scrub.
  • When eyelid inflammation is severe, imucous and metabolic debris can accumulate in the eyelashes, similar to dandruff. This material causes further inflammation and discomfort. It can be removed easily with eyelid scrubs.

Punctal Plugs

  • Punctal plugs block the tear drainage system, like a bathtub stopper blocks a drain. This keeps the tears in the eyes for longer, resulting in better lubrication and comfort. Punctal plugs are especially helpful for patients that require large amounts of supplemental lubrication or have difficulty using drops and ointment. They typically are not visible by the naked eye, do not cause excessive tearing, and dissolve or can be removed at any point.

Prescription Medication

  • Restasis, Cequa, and Xiidra are prescription drops that decrease inflammation and increase tear production. They often take 4-6 weeks to start working but then provide significant relief.
  • Oral antibiotics are helpful when abnormal bacteria is causing inflammation and infection of the meiboman glands.

Omega-3 Supplements

  • Fish oil supplements can reduce meibomian gland inflammation and increase oil production, leading to healthier and more effective tears.

Thermal 1-Touch

  • When the meibomian glands become so obstructed that warm compresses and lid scrubs cannot clear them, office procedures like Thermal 1-Touch provide targeted heat and pressure to break the inflammatory cycle.

Scleral Lenses

  • Scleral lenses cover, protect, and bathe the cornea in a therapeutic hydrating environment. They can be very effective for patients that have not responded to other treatments.

Four Convenient Locations

South Broad Street

1930 S. Broad St.
Philadelphia, PA 19145

Tel: (215) 339-8100 get directions

Allegheny Ave

2610 E Allegheny Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19134

Tel: (215) 423-5154 get directions

Wills eye Hospital

840 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107

Tel: (215) 339-8100 get directions

Wills Northeast Consultation Office

8025 Roosevelt Blvd.
Philadelphia, PA 19152

Tel: (215) 423-5154 get directions


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